Did you know that in 2019, mobile saw more email opens than desktop for the first time ever? So today we’re sharing the first video in an important series on how to make your emails more mobile friendly.

Test on multiple devices.

First up, being “mobile friendly” doesn’t mean considering just one type of mobile device. Your consumers likely have different types of devices, some of which might even be operating different systems.

Luckily, most email service providers will render your email templates for the most popular devices like Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Pixel, and Android. But not all ESPs get it right the first time.

Pro tip: Send a test email to yourself and members of your staff who have different devices to double-check the formatting. Make sure elements of your email like logo, text and any links or buttons are visible, clear and not overlapping. Your emails shouldn’t require pinching or zooming on any mobile device.

Want more email tips? You got ’em.