Three different tactics that share one common insight: With customers so ready to jump to another brand or vendor, your customer service needs to be move fast and think creatively.

Why Nordstrom Innovations Insures It Is Supreme in Customer Service (Forbes)

The leader in high-touch service for department stores now offers personal shoppers to everybody and they keep in touch via texting. Read on for more Nordstrom innovations.

Don’t Listen to the Starbucks Haters (Bloomberg News)

What Any Business Can Learn From Starbucks’ Loyalty Program Shift (Business2Community)

In April, 2016, Starbucks rolled out a major change to its loyalty card program, abruptly dropping a points-per-purchase system for one that rewarded customers who spent more money. Howls of protest on social media followed. But now it looks like the coffee chain may have deftly segmented its most lucrative customers for special treatment.

Post-purchase Engagement is Essential… and Overlooked (CustomerThink)

Just when you think you should be moving on to the next sale is exactly the time you should be doubling down on customer care for the most recent sale to lock in loyalty and set yourself up for the repeat purchase.