In every industry, there are individuals who naturally excel at their jobs – be it sales, customer service or administration – as though they were created to fill these roles. As an employer, these are the people you want for your company, but competing against the industry giants for these superstars can present a challenge. No matter how small your company may be, attracting top employees to your small business isn’t impossible.
Attracting Top Employees to Your Corporate Culture
Running a small or medium-sized business has specific advantages that compensate for not having the same marketing or salary budgets as the competition, if you leverage them. One way to attract top employees is with your corporate culture. For many jobseekers, having an office atmosphere they enjoy coming to work each day is just as valuable as high salaries and perks. Employees who hate their jobs, even if the pay is great, will eventually seek other employment.
If you pride yourself on creating an environment that is as fun as it is driven, as conducive to personal growth as it is focused on the bottom line, you might have a corporate culture your competition doesn’t. To make the most of it, include your corporate culture in job postings along with the responsibilities of the position. Make sure your top candidates understand the value you offer staff that goes beyond money.
Attracting Top Employees to Your Expansion Plans
Most industry giants started out as a smaller version of what they are today. If you have a vision for expanding your company’s operations over the next several years, share them with the people you want to employ. A growing business is attractive to potential top employees because it means there’s room for growth. Although some people are content to perform the same function for years on end, other employees love the idea of taking on new responsibilities and learning new aspects of the business.
Attracting Top Employees to Your Mission Statement
If carefully crafted, your company’s mission statement can be a powerful tool for attracting top employees to your small business. While your company may exist to increase revenues and cash flows, that doesn’t have to be its ultimate purpose. Perhaps your company also has the goal of helping to feed the needy or supply educational tools to local schools. When your company strives to improve the world around it, this can attract people who also want to make a difference with what they do each day.
If your focus is on improving the work environment of your company, your employees will be happier and more productive and that will be obvious to job candidates who are considering you as an employer.