Did you know:

  • 50% of searches will be performed by voice in 2020?
  • 41% of adults conduct a voice search daily?

Why Voice Search is Popular

Voice search is instant. Think about it. Most of us can speak much, much faster than we can type. And when we speak, we add more detail to what we’re asking for. Since they’re given more detail, voice search tools like Siri, Alexa and Google help consumers find information faster, often even information that’s more relevant for the searcher.

Think it’s just for big business? It’s not. Mobile voice searches are actually three times more likely to be locally focused. So consumers are using voice search to find businesses like yours.

How to Get Found in Voice Search

With voice search surging in popularity, we want to help your business’s chances of being recommended as a top search result.

Adjust your info online (on your website and online listings):
  • Go into more detail. Include things like whether or not you have WiFi, if you accept ApplePay, and so on. The more detail, the better.
  • Focus on local. Instead of using terms like “top” or “best,” include names of neighborhoods you serve to increase your rankings for local searches.
  • Be conversational. Think about the words your customers would use to describe you, and replace any industry jargon you’re using with simple, natural language.

Update your listings now, with these tips, to increase your chances of appearing in voice searches. If updating your web information seems like a lot of work, that’s because it can be.

But with Thryv, it doesn’t have to be.

Thryv now integrates with the top voice search service out there, Amazon’s Echo (Alexa). When you enter your information once on Thryv, we get to work optimizing your business for voice search.