In case you’re not familiar with it, the newly refreshed Twitter for Business website has great resources for small businesses. If you’re thinking about using Twitter as a tool to grow your business, or you’re using Twitter and not seeing the results you had hoped for, take a few minutes to check out all the rich information there. After all, they’re the experts. Oh, and you should follow them. On Twitter.
Twitter Basics
There’s a glossary to help explain all the terminology, examples of how Twitter can be helpful to business, and great information on who’s using Twitter. There are also handy cheat sheets for smaller businesses, and for organizations and nonprofits.
Be sure to download their Small Business Guide to keep on hand for reference.
Start Tweeting
Learn the mechanics of a tweet. Here they break down all of the elements in a tweet and explain how to reply, how to retweet, what hashtags are, what mentions are, how to add links and much more.
Best Practices
Find great advice, with examples, for putting together effective tweets. Here they explain how often to tweet, what kinds of things to include, how to host contests and improve engagement and much more to help you be successful using Twitter for your business.
Build Your Community
This section has awesome tips on making an impression with your profile, how to engage your audience, how to attract followers, how to teach your employees about using Twitter, and how to use Twitter Ads.
Success Stories
Take a few minutes to check out their Success Stories because these case studies are full of inspiration and real-life examples your business can use.
Marketing with Twitter
Pointers on how to target the right people, how to use and understand analytics, how to use buttons and embedded Tweets, and all sorts of ways you can market your business, target the right audience and measure your results.
Advertising on Twitter
More and more businesses are finding success with Twitter advertising. Find out how it works. They also have an Advertising Blog so you can keep up with product updates, expert tips, success stories and more.