A dental company that participated in our recent webinar asked this question:
“Is it good or bad to direct your tweets/retweets to Facebook?”
In short: It’s good! Very good, in fact. Cross-promoting your various social platforms is an excellent idea!
But I do recommend these cross-promoting guidelines:
- Don’t only direct Twitter followers to Facebook. Diversify your tweets, and keep in mind that not all Twitter followers will be interested in Facebook.
- Be thoughtful about how you’re directing Twitter followers to your Facebook page. If you tweet, “I just posted a photo to Facebook,” that’s unlikely to entice anyone to click. But something along the lines of, “We’re having a lively discussion about the best celebrity smiles on Facebook!” with a link to that post is more likely to garner interest.
- If someone asks you a direct question on Twitter, answer it there. Don’t direct them elsewhere. It may put them off. If their question requires an answer longer than 140 characters, taking it offline to a phone conversation or sending an email might be better than sending them to Facebook. It’s also great to take Q&A to your blog (you do have a blog, right?) and tweet links to your blog posts.
- Be sure to cross-promote your other online presences, not just Facebook. Did you get a good review on a review site? Point if out on Twitter — you’re allowed to brag once in awhile. And don’t forget any other social platforms you may have. If you’re on Pinterest, describe a fun photo you just pinned or tweet about an Instagram photo.
- And make sure tweeting about others is part of your strategy. To make substantial connections on social media, it’s important to promote others’ content as well.