Before you even think about links, and blogging, and distribution, you need to be able to build a solid foundation for your SEO campaigns first. In an infographic from Backlinko, they list 12 key on-page SEO factors that every ranked page should have.
What is on-page SEO? It is exactly what you would think it would be. The processes and techniques of optimizing elements on your web page for both the search engines and your users. This includes correct page titles and headings, to content length and social media sharing.
The 12 factors listed here are essential, and pretty much have always been important to the ranking factors of a page. There are two that stand out more recently.
- Number 8 on the list is “add modifiers” to your title. As search matures, and many of your customers are getting more savvy and know exactly what they are looking for, these long-tailed keywords become more important in your overall strategy. Customers also tend to use geo-based modifiers such as city, neighborhood and metro names before the key phrase they are looking for, especially if you are a local business. One emerging modifier search trend is also the usage of words such as “best” and “top” to append to services and offerings.
- Numbers 3 and 10 are about the content on your page. As the search engines evolve to look for more quality content, they are placing more importance on longer content rather than a short blurb. One caveat is that the content has to be deemed “quality” and relevant to your overall goal on the page. Having multimedia such as videos will enhance the user experience on your website, and give you more ways to share links to your page.
Incorporating these 12 factors will put you well on your way to creating content that both your users and Google will love.