When was the last time you got excited about purchasing an item without knowing the cost? Cost dictates whether you follow through with the swipe of your card. Your customers feel the same.   

When your costs for services are upfront, your customers can feel confident in their decision to do business with you. That transparent pricing builds trust, which translates to repeat business.  

Use transparent pricing to build credibility and lock in a loyal customer base.   

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Transparent pricing

Honesty is the best policy. It is a statement that was true in grade school, and it still holds true in business. While oversharing can become overwhelming for the customer, under-sharing can leave enough question marks to have them walk away. There are three ways to find the balance to transparent pricing.  

Openness about pricing structures

Two things can happen when you leave the customer to estimate the cost of doing business with you. 1) They over-shoot and decide they cannot afford the services, or 2) they underestimate and are taken aback when you hand them the bill. Neither is ideal, which is why ensuring your pricing structure is available and easy to understand for customers.  

While displaying pricing information on your website or having a detailed price list available in-store are helpful, sometimes your services need to be cut and dry. Note that prices vary, and free quotes are available.  

Be clear about how pricing is determined when talking to your customers. Whether it is based on materials used, labor, time, or any other factors. Explaining why you set that price will allow customers to be more confident in doing business with you.  

Break down pricing for clarity

No one likes surprises or feeling confused, so offer itemized bills. Detailed invoices of the services help clients understand what they are paying for before they swipe. This extra insight can allow them to remove any services they deem unnecessary. That freedom breeds comfort and a sense of security, which could lead to a loyal customer. No one wants to go where they feel pressured or tricked into adding extra services.  

Your business values your clients. So, while you communicate openly about additional costs, it is worth noting on paper and on your website that there are no hidden fees. To give clients more comfort, offer market comparisons of similar services to show your commitment to providing the best value.  

Explain the value behind prices

Quality is important, so lean into that when sharing pricing with customers. When they invest in high-quality materials and skilled workers, they get a better outcome. Illustrating the long-term benefit in addition to the transparent pricing will help lock in that customer.  

When you offer tiered services, they come with varying levels and benefits. Clearly outline the differences between the tiers to ensure customers know what they are getting for their money.    

Effectively highlight tier differences by:
  • Featuring a comparison chart. Having a visual aid helps customers quickly and easily see what is and is not included in each tier. 
  • Offering detailed descriptions. Listing the specific features, benefits, and limitations in clear language helps customers understand the variances.  
  • Using descriptive labels. Having names that reflect the level of the tiers, like “Basic,” “Basic +,” and “Premium,” helps customers quickly gauge which they would like even without the added details. 

3 Master Strategies for Raising Your Prices

Here’s what you need to keep in mind.

Addressing price changes and fees

Between the economy, your staff’s skillset, and your offerings, your business is constantly growing and changing. Because of this, your business’s prices will also change. To keep up with transparent pricing, proactively communicate any upcoming price changes.  

No one enjoys a price hike without warning. Explain the reasons behind the new price and highlight any new benefits like improved services, better customer support, and added features. By sharing these changes with your customers well in advance, you allow them to financially prepare for the next time they work with your business.  

Offering options for those financially impacted

When you are clear about your prices and the reasoning behind them, you find people are willing to be honest with you. And sometimes, your quality service is out of their price range. Rather than miss gaining another loyal customer, consider working your way into their price range.  

  • Flexible payment plans accommodate customers so they can benefit from your service without falling into a financial burden, whether through installment plans, a deferred payment plan, or another financing solution 
  • Discounts and promotions are one of the ways you can provide customers with one-time relief.  
  • Customized solutions help customers facing hardships get what they need while eliminating what they do not need, to stay within their price range.  

Ongoing commitment to trust and transparency

Clearly communicating prices allows customers to assess the value and make informed decisions based on their budget and needs. Using these transparent pricing tips, you can help clients feel good about doing business with you and gain the loyal customers you deserve to ensure your business goes the distance.

The Quickstart Guide to Digital Payments

The Quickstart Guide
to Digital Payments

All you need to know about small business payment processing.